2023 August

Wesley’s Birthday

Christian made Wesley a triforce cake (had to use a paper triangle for the 3rd one as the cheesecake he made fell apart). Granny and Aunt Kathy came into town and Mr. George came over for Wesley’s celebration. He wanted to drink from a coconut but I dont think it was what he expected. We also went to the Korean BBQ and boba for his first time – he wanted to make a pile of cooked meat before he would eat anything. He got some black pearls and a coon skin hat (seen below in school pics).

Stacey’s Birthday

The kids decorated for her and made her breakfast. They bought silly string and she let them string her. We went out to dinner (Foothills Milling) and a drive in movie (Sound of Freedom). Later in the month we went and saw Oppenheimer in the theater.

Floating the River in Townsend

Stacey wanted to do something fun as a family for her birthday weekend so we chose to float the river in Townsend with River Rat. Austin was tethered to my tube and most of the float was very calm. There were a few spots where the water was high and flowing – Austin lost his swim shoe overboard and fell in all at the same time. He had his life jacket on, but he got thrashed around a bit by the faster flowing water before I was able to grab him and get him back in his tube. He was a little freaked out, coughed out some water and went right back to giggling down the mini rapids. It was a fun little trip that took around an hour but you can take the bus back and do the loop as much as you want.

First Day of School and Kindergarten

All the kids started school at the beginning of the month. Austin started Kindergarten and rides the bus with Joss and Wes. Kindergarten and 3rd Grade are at Sam Houston Elementary and 5th Grade is at Coulter Grove Intermediate. Christian now goes to Maryville Jr High and the same bus picks him up about 30 minutes later, also at our driveway. They are all doing great at school with Christian getting High School credits/GPA for honors math and science.

Space Banjo

Sometime at the beginning of the year, I commissioned this custom banjo build by Dean of Dean-O-Craft banjos who operates just on the other side of the Smokey Mountains from us. I wanted something you can’t buy in the store and his banjos fit that profile. Plus he does amazing custom inlay work. I had him do a space/alien theme with UFO’s, Ray Guns, Planets, Stars, crop circles, lost astronaut. He went above and beyond – The goat skin top is like the moon and the brass tailpiece he made has a star and looks like the “Pillars of Creation”. The build quality and attention to detail couldn’t be better. Of course it plays and sounds amazing.

Joss Orchestra and Performing Arts

Joss joined orchestra and chose violin. It is funny how the kids have had a room full of guitars and keyboards and never really pay attention, but when the violin showed up they all wanted to play it. This violin was made by Zach Hoyt, the same maker for my mini banjo and parlor guitar.

I also picked up an upright bass just past Roanoke Virginia. It was hand carved in Germany sometime between 1880 and 1900. It has extensive repairs (many amateur crack repairs), but it is super cool and fun to play. I am talking to Zach about having him build us a bass some time early next year.

Soccer and Climbing Team

Joss, Wes and Austin joined the soccer league and started practice this month. Christian tried out for the 8th grade climbing team at the High School gym. This is the first time they are opening it up to the junior high kids to try out for the team. He had to do 4 scored climbing tests – he did awesome and made the team!

Other Fun

Climbing the tree in the front yard seems to be the current form of entertainment. Selling drinks in the driveway and swimming at the neighbors house are also on the list.

Christian and I broke down in the beetle on our shopping trip for climbing gear for him – he got to get out and push a car for the first time in his life. He didn’t believe me when I said “let’s get out and see if we can push it into this parking lot”. We couldn’t. We did well until the hill eventually had us going backwards. Two other people showed up and helped us push and we got into a good spot to hang out for a bit. Stacey didn’t answer her phone, so we had to Uber home. I took the Excursion back to tow it home and as soon as I got it home, I figured it out. Last month, when we first got the car, it smelled of fuel. The vent lines were all cracked and nasty so I replaced them, but it turns out I didn’t get it quite right and blocked the top two breather vents. This stopped fuel from getting to the engine. Easy fix, stupid cause.

Grandma Jenny

Great Great Grandma Jenny passed away. 101 years old – she told Stacey 13 years ago that she didn’t buy green bananas, but I think she could have. We just got to see her last month – she was always so joyful when we came to visit. It would take her a minute to figure out who we were, but then…….”Ryaaaaan! I Love you.” “Stacey! I love you”. She hugged Josslyn forever – it was probably only 5 minutes or so, but they were just hugging and she was smiling and whispering to Joss. We will miss Grandma.

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One response

  1. Jean Jones Avatar
    Jean Jones

    What a wonderful story!! I love all of you and miss you.