
I took more videos than pictures this month. This video is longer than normal – it was hard to cut out what were good moments to keep the video short-ish. There are several things not listed below that are in the video and vice-versa. Also, there is a typo in the video I am too lazy to fix. His name is Elvie, not Elvis. Oh well.

I made all the music on a little sampler that looks like a calculator from the 80’s. I got it for Christmas (teenage engineering EP-133 KOII)


Josslyn’s Play

Josslyn joined performing arts after school and has been working on this play for some time. She was disappointed to not have a main role, but most of those kids were a couple years older. We weren’t allowed to record it (copyright issues), so we only have a few pictures. I was super impressed with how into it she got, even for being in the background. She is excited for the next one.


This little guy causes trouble from December 1 to December 25. Every night he comes to life and gets into something – sometimes he has too much sugar and goes too far.


Our church does “Jingle Jam” every year for families, but this was the first time we have been there so we didn’t know what to expect. This year they had lots of games and some pirates threw out candy and the Christmas story was told in a unique and entertaining way to engage the kids.


I finally got the motor bike fixed (new tire) and Austin ran it into the sidewalk – he opened up a decent gash on his leg, but is ok.


Stacey cooked us a nice breakfast (reindeer pancakes) and a great dinner for Christmas. Of course the kids had a blast opening presents. I don’t have a ton of pictures as I took mostly video (see above)


Austin got a real camera and he loves it. It is a simple point and shoot, one button to take a picture, no screen. He has been walking around taking pictures of everything (there are over 400 pictures on it in just a few days).


On of the best things about Christmas break is the extended mornings together. I don’t do a good job appreciating them in the moment, but they are some of the best moments.

Ryan’s Birthday

Stacey took me out to Bella’s for dinner and I went for ice-cream with Austin and Christian at Capitol Theater – both next to each other. I need to take Wes and Josslyn to cap it all off.

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