2023 September

Joss’ Birthday

Joss had her 11th birthday two times: we celebrated her during the week as a family and then she had a slumber party with 5 other girls. We set the back yard up for them with a TV for movies, the trampoline with lights and big tent to sleep in. Stacey made a big breakfast for them all in the morning and we were glad to see them all leave shortly after.

Sky Zone

We went to sky zone, an indoor gym/playground as part of Josslyn’s family birthday. They all ran around for an hour and loved it. It was impossible to keep up with anybody, so pictures were hard to grab.

Soccer and Portraits

First games started this month. It is a challenge to get good pictures of time – the younger kids clump up around the ball and the field for Josslyn is too big to get good pictures, but some of my favorite things cant be captured in pictures any way: Austin giggling the whole time chasing the ball and Wesley’s serious intensity mixed with Kermit the frog coordination. Josslyn can be pretty decent, but I am not sure this is what she really wants to do every time.

School Portraits

Austin’s picture gets center stage just because it is his first year of school and his smile is so big and real.

Climbing Team

The climbing team opened the gym for parents to come check out. I got to watch Christian belay his friend that weighs twice as much as him. The last part of practice, after their drills, they get to do whatever they want, so him and his friends would boulder around and kind of just play.

Austin’s School Play

Austin’s kindergarten had a little play, so we all went to the school to watch him. He did awesome, but we forgot to bring his “Sam Houston School” shirt and he was the only one out there. During the play, he tried to tuck in his shirt up to cover up the print on it, so he was very conscious of not standing out.

Wesley and Austin’s school also had a festival outside where they all got to run around and play games.

Other Fun

We made up a game in the front yard – it is a kind of volleyball where you hit a light weight ball over the sidewalk into the grass. Simple, but we keep playing it.

The boy’s wanted to learn to use knives, so while Josslyn had her friends over for the slumber party, we went in the garage and widdled on some soap bars. They got to learn some knife safety but mostly just made soap chips.

Kings Island

We ended the month by spending the day at Kings Island. We walked 8.5 miles and didn’t even realize it until it was time to leave.

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