
November didnt feel like there were too many highlights. We stayed at home most of the month, but watching the video, we did quite a bit locally:

  • Christian got bit by a dog
  • Christian had a climbing competition
  • Josslyn had an Orchestra Concert
  • Wes/Austin/Christian all flew the drone around the house
  • Austin was the teacher’s aid at school
  • Stacey and Ryan had a backyard silly string duel
  • we went to an arcade/mirror maze/scavenger hunt in pigeon forge
  • Josslyn built an awesome popsicle stick airplane for school
  • we did a scavenger hunt at home
  • we had thanksgiving together as a family
  • we bought and decorated a Christmas tree
  • It felt like all of us were sick for some or all of November
  • I grew a mustache for November only
  • Michigan beat Ohio State – causing me to have to shave 1/2 of my Stache for the day at work


Stacey made the whole meal and it was awesome – this was our first Thanksgiving with just us. We went and picked out a live Christmas tree that weekend and decorated it too.


Josslyn had her first Orchestra concert at Coulter Grove. She is playing violin and learning it well. It is a difficult instrument, but she learned all of the songs (you can hear them in the video).

She also made a WWI Airplane for her school project. She asked me for help, but the airplane I made was “too fat” and she rejected it (she did paint it yellow and still used it). She decided to take matters into her own hands and built a tri-plane out of popsicle sticks and glue just by looking at a picture of the plane she liked. She painted that one red – it is pretty impressive how she did it, after being told that style of aircraft would be too difficult to build.

For Thanksgiving, she made a dessert – desert little chocolate covered strawberry turkeys.


Austin was the teacher’s aid in school (see in video). He loves to help and is motivated by being part of projects and learning.

He has also picked up Monopoly Go and Uno card games so well – he wants to play with us all the time.


Wes had a mommy/Wes day – pizza, games, ice cream. He has taken in interest in instruments and has been picking up something every day to practice for a few minutes.


Christian started the month by getting bit by the neighbors dog. He was petting the dog who was enjoying the attention. The dog rolled over to be pet on the belly and was liking that as well – but when Christian moved his hand up towards his head, the dog must have felt threatened and we all watched in go from a calm pet to a lighting fast attack. Christian handled it well and got cleaned up. They went to the Dr but no stitches were needed, just some medicine to help prevent infection.

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