2024 January


Happy new year! Another month of taking more video than pictures. There is overlap of course, but the video is pretty fun to watch the kids be silly.

austin’s birthday

Austin’s 6th birthday. January is a tough birthday month to find something to do. We went out for dinner (hamburgers are his staple – he will order a hamburger at a Mexican restaurant). Chuck E Cheese and then cake and presents at home. The next few days Austin was really sick and just laid around and didn’t even want to play video games (rare).


Eastern Tennessee received 3″ to 10″ of snow. We were on the low end of that scale, but the area shuts down – snow removal is just not a thing. On top of that, it was single digit cold for multiple days so any minor melt during the day turned to ice over night making the roads pretty impassable. School and work shut down (work from home), and we ate up all the food Stacey bought the days before. Our kids made it outside to play for a little bit, but the neighbor kids were out for long periods every day.


We cooked a family meal together. Wesley was on the rice and Austin was on the chicken. They both did great but I found out later that night that Austin had burned his finger and didn’t say anything.


Christian had another climbing competition. He really went for it and got past several really challenging sections that required him to leap for it. These pictures are of him bouldering for fun.

new site construction

We are just two month’s away from moving into our new work site. We stopped by on the weekend to tape out the floor for some machines moving in, so I put Christian to “work”.


A friend from work has been making Wine for some time and he blessed us with a gift bottle. We put it away pretty quick – it was really good.


A few months ago we decided our next home project was new windows. They scheduled the install in January, but at the time we didnt realize it would not only be single digits outside, but that the roads wouldn’t cooperate. They postponed the install to Feb luckily, but I had already taken down all of the window treatments in preparation. The old windows are so bad with thin glass, broken frames and even some cracked glass, you can feel the draft so I put up plastic for a temporary solution.

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