2024 Feburary


This month’s video tops out at 30ish minutes. A little long, but there were parts that we just didn’t want to cut for future us to enjoy later.

I also updated the title of each video to be the episode YYMM.

This month’s highlights below. Not pictured:

  • we played charades as a family.
  • we hid a plastic turd in each others shoes.
  • Austin’s preferred school lunch appears to be ranch salad with ranch and no salad.
  • Austin and Wes made banana pudding for the neighbors super bowl party.
  • We had a “no electricity day” with games and other non-device entertainment.
  • We had our bird blue die.
  • we spent some time with the dogs and Guinee pigs.
  • we all played some music – violin, mandolin, banjo, scratching records, and of course guitar. Christian hasn’t put down his guitar in two months.

new windows

We had our old, broken and thin windows replaced. We launched the project a few months ago with Andersen and the install was delayed after last month’s sub zero temperatures and snow. The install went well and the new windows look and feel great.

Tree damage

Last month, we had some pretty heavy snow (for this area) come through and it crushed our trampoline and took down a pretty big branch on this magnolia tree. The weather was finally nice enough for me to climb up the ladder with a chainsaw and get the rest of the branch removed.

orange juice

For some reason, the kids like to make fresh squeezed orange juice. Lots of effort and oranges to get a tiny little taste, but they have fun.

new neck

This old Steel body National Duolian is about 100 years old. At some point, someone stripped the finish and put a back woods homemade neck on it. The neck was hardly playable, but the guitar still sounded great. I had National put a new neck on it and with the new set up, this is my favorite guitar to play now.

Morristown TN

Our friends invited us to their surprise birthday party at their family owned 1907 Brewing Company in Morristown. We have never been, but Morristown was pretty neat and their building/business was very cool. The party was nice and the kids kept entertained playing games and eating food.

new hoop

We bought a new hoop – Austin was stressed out putting it together, but he loves to help in all projects (and he really is a help). We got it all set up and the kids are enjoying it in the driveway. I just need to move some cars around to make more room.

bald eagle

While on a run, Christian and I spotted a bald eagle in the neighborhood. He was sitting on a neighbors driveway and hung out until some little birds ganged up on him and chased him away.

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