2024 April



Wes and Austin got the kite out – flying it high while dodging trees – but it eventually landed too high up in the tree to recover.

Bouldering competetion

Christian and his friend did a weekend bouldering competition and Christian got an award for his category (age/difficulty).


Not only were we not in the path of totality, it was completely cloudy, so our glasses were useless. We still made it fun by watching it go across the country on NASA’s channel and talking about it. A friend took the first picture where he was in the path of totality.


den visit to test cell

Made a trip to Denver and got to get my picture in front of the engine we ran last month. Something for the whole Beehive team to be proud of.

Got Got

The game is simple: clip a clothes pin to someone’s clothes without them noticing. The pin says “You’ve been got got”. Everyone eventual got got this month.

Josslyn straight a’s

Josslyn had another stellar report card with all A’s. She is a book worm and is always reading, and she does really well in all subjects. We took her to her choice of restaurants to celebrate.

youth camp

Christian had youth camp for Yoke – he was happy to get away for the weekend with his friends.

Other fun

washington friends

We got to see our long time friends from Washington as they were in town – it was as if 10 years hadn’t passed.

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