Camp Sign Build

Custom build Pickleinn II Sign at Camp

I get asked what the Pickle Inn is all the time – it has been my user name and email address for many years. The original Pickle Inn was a cabin my grandparents bought in the late 1970’s near Titusville Pa.

Site of the original Pickle Inn, Pennsylvania
The Pickle Inn – Guessing Picture dates early 1980’s

I spent a tremendous amount of my spare time here with my Grandma and Grandpa. I was so blessed to be able to spend my entire youth in the outdoors, hunting and fishing with my grandpa and learning about shooting rifles safely and getting dirty in the woods.

Another big influence on me was helping my grandpa constantly work on the cabin. Over the years he did so many improvement projects I wouldn’t even know where to start describing them. He always had something in the works: New siding, new deck, outhouse to indoor plumbing, new shed, remodeling the inside (I remember when he tore out the old ceiling to expose the rafters above – it was such an improvement).

Pickle Inn – Me and Grandpa on a rickety ladder in the early 1980’s

I was pretty sad when they sold the property in the early 2000’s, but I understood. My brother and I had moved further away (I was in Nevada by this time) and the constant maintenance of the yard and cabin were starting to be a burden. From this point on, I knew that I wanted a similar setup for my new family.

Last known picture of the Pickle Inn in 2000 prior to being sold

After completing the driveway project at the new camp, the next project was to design and build the sign. We had some left over wood from our landscaping projects and had the metal laser cut.

I have a feeling that much like my Grandpa, we will have a never ending list of projects to keep us busy at camp. The memories will live on as my family gets to work together to improve our new camp – the Pickle Inn II.

The Pickle Inn II sign (camping Permit stuck in the II)
Pickleinn II Entrance
Colorado Camp Pickle Inn II


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