N990XB – Guitar Build


This guitar build was inspired by the XB-1 aircraft build – unique, one of a kind, high quality, precise build. The guitar was built around scrap composites from the vehicle build, with a top down view of the profile and tail number.


  • Fender MIM Body – custom routed
  • Sustainiac Neck Pickup and Electronics – modified
  • Seymour Duncan Little ’59 Bridge pickup
  • Mighty Might Neck
  • Bigsby B5 tremelo system
  • Vibromat ashtray bridge with dual access adjustments
  • XB-1 carbon fiber pickguard and switch plate
  • XB-1 top down view graphics


Build a custom guitar on the Fender Telecaster format that cannot be purchased commercially. Several key features include a driving pickup to induce string harmonics and using parts from the XB-1 vehicle with matching style.

Key Design Points:

SN N990XB – just like the XB-1 tail number.

The guitar is primarily built around the driving pickup sold by Sustainiac. In order to fit the extra circuitry several major modifications to the guitar body were required.

Body modifications – The control cavity opening is the standard Telecaster size to keep the look, however to fit the electronics, the cavity was routed/undercut providing just enough room. Each pickup position also required custom routing. The battery box was routed using a 3D printed router jig on the back of the guitar.

A humbucking pickup is required in the bridge position to help eliminate magnetic interference from the driver. The Seymour Duncan Little ’59 was chosen to maintain the single coil form factor.

3D printed Router template for battery box
Undercut routing
Lot Paint Job
Driver Board fitted in undercut. Capacitor mod to make room


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