Engineering The Universe


At some juncture in our lives, we consciously or subconsciously adopt a perspective on the world. In my earlier years, I embraced a naturalistic viewpoint, attributing everything in the universe to the realms of science and logic. I held the conviction that any gaps or uncertainties in our understanding were merely undiscovered scientific principles waiting to be revealed. However, as time progressed, my perspectives underwent a transformative examination when confronted with challenging inquiries that beckoned a pursuit of truth. Consequently, my outlook evolved based on the revelations unearthed during this exploration. The purpose of the forthcoming reflections is to articulate my current convictions and elucidate how the amassed evidence has shaped my conclusions. My aspiration is that these musings provoke contemplation, encouraging all of us to scrutinize our beliefs and their underlying foundations. Let us consistently confront the formidable questions and perpetually engage in exploration, for the Universe remains an enigma, yet I maintain the belief that our creator has left behind a discernible trail of clues for us to follow.

Engineering First Principles

Undoubtedly, grappling with the profound inquiries about our identity, origin, and purpose can prove exceedingly intricate. To genuinely delve into these profound questions, among others, the most effective strategy involves deconstructing these intricacies into more manageable elements and methodically addressing them. First principles in engineering, comprising fundamental concepts and bedrock truths, provide the groundwork for comprehending and resolving intricate problems. My objective is to confront even the most formidable queries without evasion or a selective search for preferred answers. While the Bible doesn’t assert to resolve every query, it does commit to being the bedrock of truth, encompassing understanding across disciplines such as science, doctrine, and history.

In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15

Breaking It All Down

I intend to structure my exploration of personal beliefs around four overarching categories. While not all inquiries neatly fit into these divisions, they provide a useful framework for navigating the complexities we encounter.

  1. Origin: Delving into the fundamental questions of how, where, and why everything began. This entails an examination of the contrast between a Creator, or God, and unguided natural processes encompassing matter, energy, physics, and time. It involves a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between science and theological perspectives.
  2. Theism: This category involves an investigation into various theistic viewpoints, an exploration of the concept of truth, and an inquiry into why I have chosen Christianity as the superior worldview. Additionally, I aim to scrutinize the evidence supporting the tenets of Christianity.
  3. Scripture: Focused on understanding the reliability of the Bible, this category explores questions such as why the Bible can be trusted and what it communicates about various aspects of life.
  4. Life Shaping: This category addresses the broader implications of the Christian belief system. Why do these inquiries matter, and how do they impact individuals? It involves a reflective examination of the personal significance of these beliefs, their practical applications, and the transformative effects they have had on my life.

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

C.S. Lewis

Bottom Line, Up Front

Over the course of many years, I have engaged in a continuous process of questioning and scrutinizing my own convictions. Although I haven’t unearthed all the answers, I am steadfast in my belief that the amassed evidence is compelling. My intention is to thoroughly examine each of my foundational beliefs, approaching the task with an open and objective perspective as I explore alternative theories. In a series of exploratory discussions, we will delve into the following core tenets, confronting each challenge methodically and leaving no topic untouched. Here are the foundational beliefs we will navigate and critically assess:


  • The Universe and it’s finely tuned laws point to a law maker and creator that transcends the boundaries we know of. Genesis 1:1
  • That there is only one, True Living God.  (Genesis 1:1-3, Isaiah 44:6, 24, Isaiah 45:5-7, Mark 12:29-32, Acts 17:25b-28)
  • That we were created by God and in his image and that we serve the purpose of having an eternal relationship with Him. Genesis 1:26-27
  • That we are all equal yet unique and that God cares deeply about each person despite their beliefs about Him.



  • Jesus is God in human form, entering his creation as wholly Man, wholly God. (John 1:14, John 1:1)
  • That the Father, Son and Holly Spirit are three in one God.
  • Jesus was sent by God and is God’s Beloved Son – wholly man, wholly God who entered his creation.  (John 1:14)


  • That Jesus was killed by his own creation, for our redemption from our sinful ways. (John 3:16-18)
  • Jesus was Resurrected, defeating death and ascended to heaven. (1 Corinthians 15:16-18)
  • That salvation comes only through Jesus Christ and that He forgives our sins. (John 14:6, Acts 4:12)
  • That salvation is a free Gift of God – you cannot earn it, you simply have to believe in Him.
  • That Jesus will Return and a judgement of all our actions and intents will take place. All knees will bow. (Matthew 16:17, John 14:1-3, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Philippians 3:20, 1 Peter 1:3-5, John 14:3, Acts 1:11)


  • The Bible is the infallible written Word of God – that it can be trusted in all of God’s promises.  2 Timothy 3:16-17


  • I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:13

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