19 Jan – New Puppy Camping

September 4 2019

We got a new puppy. After Fisher and Arlo died in the past year, we decided to take a break from dogs. That didn’t happen. Welcome Asha!

Asha is eager to please – she wants to do good and loves all the attention she can get. At camp, we thought we would have to keep her chained up, but because she wants to be near us we are able to just let her free.

Asha Love
Staying warm

We also got to do some yard work with the new quad. There is quite a bit of slash/old wood all over the place. Our goal this summer is to clean up the upper half of the property to improve appearance and reduce the fire hazard presented by all the dry wood on the ground. This also means I got to purchase a chainsaw!

Austin comes running when the quad is fired up
going for a short ride down the road
Camp life
sitting around a fake fire due to burn bans
breakfast in the camper


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