Synth Builds

Build Details

The photos above are in reverse-chronological order. It all started with the Egon Box

From there, several iterations of 1/4″ jack, moog style synthesizers were built. These were large format, fairly vanilla control voltage synths. The front panels were CNC machined on a Cincinnati 3-axis mill and this is where I learned to do basic programming and machine setups.

I then discovered the world of banana jacks and built several “paper face” synths only to be dissatisfied with the step backwards in panel quality. I found a local vendor with a laser engraver and started to produce high quality aluminum panels on the next several iterations of Serge style, patch programmable synths.

After selling off everything I had built to date, including some modules to RJD2, I then started to build 4U Buchla format modules. Some modules were mashups of Serge and Buchla and the synth building community has exploded since I first built a point to point synth nearly 20 years prior.


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